We are off to a great start with BIST this school year!  The minute the students walk through the doors, they are greeted by numerous staff smiling and saying, "Good Morning!"  I am amazed at the number of students that look the staff member in the eyes, smile and return the greeting.  What a great way to start our day! 

    The concepts for BIST are very positive and doing it building-wide makes things seamless for students (and parents) each year.  The purpose of the BIST model is to partner with students when they are struggling and help them be accountable for their actions to make changes in their life.  BIST is designed to teach and protect students, via GRACE and ACCOUNTABILITY so that students can demonstrate the Goals for Life and make good choices. 



    1. I can be angry or upset and not get in trouble.

    2. I can be okay even if others are not okay.

    3. I can do something even if I don't want to.