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    Second Grade Musical

    March 4, 2021

    "The Bear Went Over the Mountain"

    6:00 pm



    SPE students -  Discuss with your families how you perform vocally and instrumentally with grade level technical and expressive skills for an audience.












    BENEFITS OF MUSIC EDUCATION: • Music training increases student achievement in other curricular areas. • Music integrates basic neurological functions and aids student learning. • Music accesses multiple human intelligences and develops higher-order thinking skills. • Music engages a variety of learning styles and learning domains. • Music fosters student self-esteem and positive responses to learning. • Music promotes multi-cultural understanding. • Music enhances the school learning environment.

    WE BELIEVE: • That the processes of learning music require problem solving and critical thought. • That all students have musical aptitude. • That all students should have opportunities to develop their individual abilities. • That all students should have opportunities to sing, play, create, listen, and reflect on music.• That all students learn musicianship through performing, listening, creating and interpreting. • That all students can appreciate historical and global cultures through music. • That all students can develop personal expression through music. • That all students can develop a lifelong appreciation of music. • That all styles of music have validity within the music curriculum.