• Information About Grades

  • 4th Grade Report Cards

    ·       Some subject areas can have fewer assignments based on the amount of time is spent in that subject. If this is the case, then grades can be lower than expected. More assignment grades allow high grades to make up for one or two lower grades.

    ·       MOST graded assignments with a 65% or below can be corrected once within a week of its return. The two grades will then be averaged for a new recorded grade. These corrected papers can often make the difference between two letter grades.

    ·       Papers come home when they are graded, so look in your child’s HW folder for any graded assignments that may need to be corrected.

    ·       Letter grades:

    o   A = 100% - 93%       A- = 92% - 90%

    o   B+ = 89% - 87%       B = 86% - 83%            B- = 82% - 80%

    o   C+ = 79% - 77%       C = 76% - 73%             C- = 72% - 70%

    o   D+ = 69% - 67%       D = 66% - 63%             D- = 62% - 60%

    o   U = Unsatisfactory 59% and below.

    ·       Number grades:

    o   3 = Consistently Displayed. A 3 is rarely given at the beginning of the year in 4th grade. Students need to work beyond our expectations for students at that point in the year to earn a 3.

    o   2 = Often Displayed. A 2 is a standard score. This means that your child is meeting the teacher’s expectations the majority of the time. Expectations may change throughout the year as students are capable of better work or improved behavior.

    o   1 = Seldom Displayed. A 1 means that your child needs additional reminders or help in a graded area. This is something work on and the teacher is working to help your child meet the expectations.

    o   Number scores can fluctuate throughout the year based on the student’s behaviors, effort and the teacher’s expectations.