• During the Spring 2019 semester, the district partnered with classrooms, staff, students and families from all 21 elementary schools to assess how access to technology and Blended Learning experiences during the school day can serve our elementary students through the completion of an Elementary Blended Learning Impact Study. Through intentional research and evaluation, our goal is to determine the appropriate technology access and device ratio at each grade level and identify an efficient process for technology access at each grade level. Results from this inquiry will inform the district’s approach to elementary Blended Learning and technology district-wide.


    Please note, the district does NOT plan to send devices home with elementary students, so home-use was not addressed as part of the study.


    Question 1 - What is the appropriate technology device ratio at each grade level?

    While devices are used in some capacity at all grade levels, findings suggest that younger grade levels used devices less frequently than upper-grade levels.


    Question 2 - What type of device at each grade level does our instruction demand to prepare students for the future?

    Findings suggest that a touchscreen device is imperative for younger students for its familiarity and ease of use, while upper-grade levels indicate a need for keyboarding capabilities, efficient login processes and opportunities to both collaborate with others and work independently.


    Question 3 - How do we ensure students have efficient and reliable access to the resources at each grade level?

    Based on findings from the 2017-18 Secondary Blended Learning Impact Study, we know that the district’s technology infrastructure is able to accommodate high levels of technology use. Findings from the Elementary Impact Study reveal that there is a need for a simple solution to logging into a device/apps in order to maximize instructional time.


    Question 4 - What is healthy, age-appropriate technology use per grade level?

    While specific recommendations on age-appropriate use are sparse among industry leaders, there is a strong consensus that students need balance in physical, emotional, social and digital life skills. Findings indicate that when used appropriately and with intention, learning with technology at school can benefit students by promoting student voice, choice and personalized instruction.

    Phase 1, 2 and 3 of the impact study


  • During the months of January, February and March 2018, the district partnered with more than more than 80 classrooms, 3,200 students and 80 teachers at all middle and high schools to pilot Google Chromebooks, iPad Pros and MacBook Airs and investigate the following questions. Results from this inquiry helped inform the district's decision to implement a 1:Learner initiative (one device per one learner) at the middle and high school level.

    Question 1 - What are the instructional possibilities different devices offer?

    Findings strongly suggest that having any of the three devices have greatly impacted the learning and teaching experiences of students and teachers. Simply having the device as part of the learning environment was a game-changer.

    Question 2 - Does our infrastructure support high levels of access and mobility?

    Based on a school-wide study at Aubry Bend Middle, it was determined that the district's infrastructure can support high levels of technology access and mobility.

    Question 3 - Are we able to keep students safe if devices go home?

    Findings suggest that the district's dynamic filtering systems are capable of supporting safe technology use and learning environments both on and off district campus. This includes the ability to adapt and change as new cyber threats emerge.