Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year!

Hello Oak Hill families,

Happy New School Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful summer break.  I always look forward to this time of year with Back to School, and this year is no different. It is my 20th year in education, my 16th in school administration, and my 5th as principal at Oak Hill. There is no job I would rather do!

I was able to spend time much needed time my family before we gear up for another busy school year! This year we will have one kid at college, one sophomore in high school, a 6th grader and a 4th grader, so we are prepared to be busy! I am always thankful for the support of my family in this job.

I know firsthand that back to school is an exciting time, but also can be a time of anxious anticipation. We ALL want what is best for our kids, and we ALL want them to have a successful, fun-filled, happy year. Please know that the Oak Hill staff is committed to doing all we can to strive for success for your students.

Please watch for the first Oak Hill Weekly update this FRIDAY. It will be packed full of information for the beginning of school. Today is my first day back in the office, and teachers will return in few weeks. We are busy planning for a great year. Please make sure you reviewed the district’s latest update on COVID mitigation which was emailed last week, and can be found here. Again, watch for more information from the district, and also from me on Friday.

Our school theme this year is Game On! I am excited to partner with you as we work together for all our kids. Tell your kids we miss them, and can’t wait to see them soon! Time is a precious gift, enjoy the last few weeks of summer.

Sincerely, Megan

Megan Maresh
