• Welcome to the CPE Computer Lab

     I am Mr. Lerner the computer para-educator.

    The computer lab is located in Room D5 Just outside the library near Pod-C

    My phone number is: 913-239-6176

    My Email address is:  [email protected]

    Digital Citizenship at Cottonwood Point Elementary School

    I am leading the efforts to maintain our schools standing as a Common Sense Digital Citizenship Certified School. 

    Have you ever wondered whether all the time your child is spending online, watching t.v., texting their friends and playing video games is good for them? That's why we are making a commitment at Cottonwood Point to teach students how to be good digital citizens.  We explore topics like Cyberbullying, Online Privacy, Creative Rights and Responsibilities.  With strong digital citizenship skills, your child will be able to take advantage of all the wonderful opportunities of technology and learn how to handle the more challenging issues that they may experience. 

    The curriculum and resources we are using were developed by Common Sense Media, a national non-profit organization.  I encourage you to check out the free parent resources on their website (www.commonsensemedia.org) so you can stay current on all things digital. Common Sense Media also has a focus on more than just the digital world.  They can guide you on appropriateness of a move, books for your child to read, games, websites, apps, etc.  Click here for the link to Common Sense Media's page for news and advice for parents. 

    Common Sense Media Parental Tip Sheets:

    Click the link to read a parent tip sheet.  Check back from time to time as I will change the link.  You can also read other tip sheets while at their website. Tip Sheet

     Common Sense Media You Tube Video: Healthy Media Diet