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Week of 5/2/16

Monday, May 2nd, 2016
Monday: Day 5: Art
Tuesday: Day 1: Spanish/P.E.
Wednesday: Day 2: Computer
Thursday: Day 3: Music/P.E
Friday: Day 4: Spanish/Music

Math: This week we will conclude Topic 14, Data. We will start our final Topic 16, Coordinate Graphs

Reading: This week we will continue Theme 6, A Kingdom of Green. Students will work in their Inquiry group to create a Mural they will present next week.

Writing: Informational Writing

Social Studies: We will begin Ch. 17 Peoples of the West

Spelling: No Test this week.

Homework packet will be due Friday.

Important Reminders:
*Library check-out will be on Wednesday.
*Tuesday will be Talent Show Tryouts 2:30-3:00.
*Wednesday students will take the Reading MAP test at 10:30. Students often comment that a good night's rest and breakfast help them feel better for the test.
*Counselor Lesson will be on Thursday.
*Honor Hawk Assembly Thursday 2:30-3:30.
*Tuesday, May 10 is the Fifth Grade Musical. Students need to be at school at 5:45 that evening for the performance that will start at 6:00.
*Our end of the year Fifth Grade Breakfast Celebration will be at the Ritz Charles 8:30, on the morning of May 12.
*Field Day is Friday, May 13. (If it gets rained out, it will be 5/16)
*Monday, May 16 Kids on the Block presentation at 2:00.
*Thursday, May 19 Variety Show 2:30-3:30.
*Friday, May 20 Last Day of School. 11:45 dismissal.

*Here are our MAP testing dates:
Math MAP- May 2 10:30
Reading MAP- May 6 10:00