• Third Grade Schedule

    8:25-8:50                  Morning Work

    9:00-10:00                Writing/ ELA *Intervention

    10:00-11:00             Math

    11:00-12:00             Specials

    12:00-12:30             Read Aloud or Math Wrap Up

    12:30-1:00                Lunch     

    1:00-2:20                  Reading

    2:20-2:50                  Recess   

    2:50-3:30                  Social Studies or Science

    3:30                              Stack and Pack

    3:35                             Car Riders Dismissed

    3:37                              Bus Riders Dismissed

    3:40                              Walkers Dismissed

    *Kids go to ESOL, the math lab, reading support, the resource room and gifted during this time.

    3-V Specials Schedule

    Day 1      Art

    Day 2      PE and Spanish

    Day 3      Spanish and Music

    Day 4      Computer

    Day 5      PE and Music

    Monday Library