• SchoolCenter Picture


    Our Busy Day :)

    8:25-8:50  Morning Work/Jobs/News Show/Journal

     8:50-9:00  Calendar-Morning Meeting

    9: 00 Intervention Block/Guided Reading/Reading Workshop

    10:00-10:15- Recess (First Few Weeks Only)

    10:00-11:40  Writing Workshop

    11:10-11:40  Lunch

    11:50-12:10 Recess

    12:10-12:25-Go over Morning Work corrections

    12:25-1:25: Specials

    1:25-2:20- Math

    2:20-2:50-Intervention Block/Guided Math Groups/Homeowork Note

    2:50-3:20-Science/Social Studies

    3:20-Pack up and dismissal

    1:25-1:45- Recess

    1:45-2:20-Science/Social Studies

    2:20-3:20-Specials-(See schedule below)

    SchoolCenter Picture

     Specials Schedule:

    Note:  Please send your child to school in tennis shoes on the day he/she has PE.  Thanks!  :)

    Day 1:  Music/Spanish

    Day 2: Spanish/PE

    Day 3:  Music/PE

    Day 4: Computer/R.E.A.L.

    Day 5: Art


    Counselor-Mondays- Bi-monthly 11:30

    Library- Fridays at 10:00