'23-'24 LVE School Registration

If you have already registered and paid your fees, thank you!

If you haven't already registered, please read below:

Now is the time to register for next school year. New students and returning students need to complete the process or update their information as well as pay the annual registration fees.


If you are a returning family, please review your annual information in Parent Vue so that you can confirm enrollment. There will be several annual forms that are required for each child.


If you are new to our area or will be having a new student join our school, please click on this link.




Annual Fees

Annual fees are required for every student. If you have multiple students and would like to pay in installments, you can start with paying even a portion of the fees now. This will reserve your classroom spot. Please contact the Liberty View office (office phones reopen on July 24th) in order to discuss your payment plan. Even just $10.00 will save your spot.


In addition, if families are interested in applying for the Free or Reduced Lunch program which allows application into the Fee Waiver program, the 2023-2024 application will be made available in July.


PTO & Yearbook Fees

Did you know that you can already submit payment through the fee process to both join PTO and purchase your yearbook for next year? Several families had questions about this at the end of this year.


If you want to already pre-purchase your child's yearbook that will be delivered in May 2024, please select that as an additional fee to pay now so that you will not forget later.


Upcoming Dates to Remember:

July 24th: LVE Office reopens.


August 14th: Class lists are posted on ParentVue 4:00p.m.


August 14th: Sneak Peek- Final date and time will be confirmed once construction is completed.


August 16th: First day of school, 8:40a.m. start time goes into effect.


August 16th: Kindergarten Orientation- Kinder parents will receive sign-up information to sign up for one of three sessions.