Tiger BPA Wins 3rd Straight State Title

Tiger Business Professionals of America

BVH congratulates our Tiger BPA students for capturing their 3rd straight Business Professionals of America State Championship.

Newly Elected State Officers

Mundeep Kaberwal – State Treasurer

Charlotte Warren – State Historian


State Champions

Eddy Jiang – Immediate Word Processing

Eddy Jiang – Advanced Office Systems and Procedures

Kate Kozlowski – Administrative Support Research Project

Katie Albertson – Business Law & Ethics

Jaysen vonSeldeneck – Java Programming

Eleanor Warren & Genevieve Jarrell – Podcast Production Team

Mariah Rutler & Jonas Romine – Small Business Management Team

Emily Clausen - Advanced Interview Skills

Eleanor Warren – Ethics & Professionalism

Kelsey Phillips – Presentation Individual

Kate Kozlowski, Chanie Rankin, & Charlotte Warren – Presentation Team

Surya Rangaraj – Health Insurance & Medical Billing

Mason Chidwell – Health Leadership/Special Topics

Riley Reynolds – Parliamentary Procedure Concepts


National Qualifiers

Emily Clausen & Astha Khandelwal – 2nd Financial Analyst Team

Catherine Li – 2nd Economic Research Individual

Riley Reynolds – 2nd Business Law & Ethics

Jack Graves – 2nd Advanced Desktop Publishing

Chanie Rankin – 2nd Advanced Desktop Publishing

Allie Crawford – 2nd Digital Media Production

Charlotte Warren – 2nd Human Resource Management

Alex Diaz – 2nd Ethics & Professionalism

Johnny Perkins – 2nd Prepared Speech

Emery Davis & Sam Dunton – 2nd Presentation Team

Rehan Malek & Pradyun Malviya – 3rd Economic Research Team

Jonas Romine – 3rd Personal Financial Management

Mackenzie Lomax – 3rd Administrative Support Research Project

Ryan Duewer – 3rd Computer Security

Krishiv Kothari – 3rd Python Programming

Kelsey Phillips – 3rd Health Leadership/Special Topics

Jehan Amrolia & Evan Garrison – 3rd Podcast Production Team

Ronit Patel & Sanjan Kondaparthi: 3rd Global Marketing Team

Mason Chidwell – 3rd Interview Skills

Ronit Patel – 4th Personal Financial Management

Evan Garrison – 4th Fundamental Accounting


Open Testing National Qualifiers (some of these tests were taken by hundreds of students – top 10 qualify for NATS)

Surya Rangaraj – Top 10: Financial Math & Analysis

Eddy Jiang – Top 10: Financial Math & Analysis

Eddy Jiang – Top 10: Administrative Support Concepts

Emily Clausen – Top 10: Administrative Support Concepts

Catherine Li – Top 10: Administrative Support Concepts

Eleanor Warren – Top 10: Administrative Support Concepts

Tanner McCoy – Top 10: Computer Programming Concepts

Krishiv Kothari – Top 10: Computer Programming Concepts

Johnny Perkins – Top 10: Computer Programming Concepts

Jaysen vonSeldeneck – Top 10: Computer Programming Concepts

Mundeep Kaberwal – Top 10: Information Technology Concepts

Charlie Doherty – Top 10: Information Technology Concepts

Krishiv Kothari– Top 10: Information Technology Concepts

Ryan Duewer – Top 10: Information Technology Concepts

Emily Clausen – Top 10: Digital Communication & Design Concepts

Catherine Li – Top 10: Digital Communication & Design Concepts

Johnny Perkins – Top 10: Digital Communication & Design Concepts

Chanie Rankin – Top 10: Digital Communication & Design Concepts

Eleanor Warren – Top 10: Digital Communication & Design Concepts

Johnny Perkins – Top 10: Meeting & Event Planning Concepts

Mundeep Kaberwal – Top 10: Meeting & Event Planning Concepts

Emily Clausen – Top 10: Meeting & Event Planning Concepts

Eddy Jiang – Top 10: Meeting & Event Planning Concepts

Eleanor Warren – Top 10: Meeting & Event Planning Concepts

Emily Clausen – Top 10: Management, Marketing & Human Resources

Riley Reynolds – Top 10: Management, Marketing & Human Resources

Eleanor Warren – Top 10: Management, Marketing & Human Resources

Genevieve Jarrell – Top 10: Digital Marketing Concepts

Mason Chidwell – Top 10: Digital Marketing Concepts

Johnny Perkins – Top 10: Digital Marketing Concepts

Eleanor Warren – Top 10: Digital Marketing Concepts

Emily Clausen – Top 10: Digital Marketing Concepts

Emily Clausen – Top 10: Medical Terminology Concepts

Kelsey Phillips – Top 10: Medical Terminology Concepts


Best Advisors in the State of Kansas

TJ Slade

Brooke Poskin

Way to go Tigers!