• Senior Portrait Information - Please make a note that if your senior did not get a senior picture taken through Rolland Studios this summer, there will be an opportunity to do so on October 17th (send check or cash). Rolland provides the images that go in the yearbook. If your student does not have a picture by this date, their picture will NOT be in the yearbook.

    • Senior Ad Information for BVNW Publications - You should have received the attached information several weeks ago, and you have probably already been contacted by a member of the yearbook staff. The website used for senior ads has been a glitchy. Just keep trying every few days. We have been told it should be working by the beginning of next week. We apologize for the inconvenience, but this is completely out of our control. Deadlines and pricing will not change. If you’d like to submit payment by mail or drop off a check at the school and email your words and photos, you may certainly do so.


    Check back for additional details and important dates!

Last Modified on August 8, 2024