• Gifted Education is a part of Special Education and follows Special Education processes and procedures. A student must be found eligible to participate in the program. Once a student is identified as having the characteristics of giftedness and displays needs that can't be met in the regular education classroom, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is written. The IEP guides the instruction for the student within the gifted education and general education programs.


    The Blue Valley Board of Education fully supports gifted education. Students identified as gifted receive services in their home school by a teacher with specialized training in gifted education and in providing for the needs of students who are gifted.  Elementary schools and middle schools have one gifted education teacher who provides services for students, and each high school has two gifted education teachers who provide services for students.


    If your student is already identified as gifted and you have questions about his or her program or progress, contact the gifted education teacher at your child's school.



    The Kansas State Department of Education provides the following information related to Special Education services for gifted students in Kansas:


    • "Gifted" as defined in K.A.R. 91-40-1(cc) means performing or demonstrating the potential for performing at significantly higher levels of accomplishment in one or more academic fields due to intellectual ability when compared to others of similar age, experience and environment.
      Blue Valley Schools further define giftedness using a research-based list of attributes typically found in individuals who have a high degree of intellectual ability. Students who display many of these attributes and needs that cannot be met in the general education classroom will be evaluated for identification as a gifted learner.



    The Blue Valley Gifted Education teachers will serve as a resource for general education teachers in meeting the needs of gifted students through the following objectives.


    • Provide opportunities for students to pursue individual interests and develop talents;

    • Provide for the cognitive and academic development through challenging learning experiences;

    • Provide support for the social and emotional needs of gifted students.


    The Blue Valley Gifted Education teachers will serve as a resource for general education teachers in meeting the needs of gifted students through the following objectives.


    • Provide staff development and training in differentiation strategies for general education teachers;

    • Provide training for staff about the benefits and limitations of the characteristics of gifted students;

    • Provide training for staff about the educational needs of gifted students within the general education curriculum;

    • Collaborate with general education teachers in order to meet the cognitive, academic, social and emotional needs of gifted students;

    • Communicate with parents of gifted students to provide individualized assistance and information about the gifted education program.


    Identification & Eligibility for Gifted Eductaion Services

    Using MTSS & the Problem Solving Process

    The gifted education eligibility process is designed to allow teams to gather numerous data points related to classroom interventions, characteristics of giftedness, intelligence, and achievement.

  • Step 1: Tier 1 Intervention Implementation—Class-wide

  • Step 2: Tier 2 Intervention Implementation—Individualized

  • Step 3: Initial Comprehensive Educational Evaluation


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