• What is an IEP? Is it a legal document? What does it do for my child? Do parents get input?

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    An IEP is an Individualized Education Program written specifically for a student's unique needs. The IEP describes the student's present level of functioning and includes goals that guide the unique cognitive and affective needs of a gifted student. Students and parents are included in the IEP planning process. Gifted education is a part of special education in Kansas and, as such, it must comply with the laws set forth in IDEA 2004 (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). Each parent is provided with a copy of the "Parents Rights in Special Education," also known as the procedural safeguards, which describes the legal aspects of the IEP process.

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  • What is the difference between "intellectual giftedness" and "academic talent"?

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    Intellectual giftedness describes someone who is capable of high performance in many areas due to a set of individual attributes, such as persistent intellectual curiosity, considerable depth of knowledge in multiple areas, high level of critical and abstract thinking, concern for world problems and/or fairness, and an unusually high intensity and/or depth of feeling.

    On the other hand, academic talent is a specific aptitude in one or more academic areas due to an innate understanding and/or highly developed practice. For instance, a student may be academically talented in math or writing.


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  • My family moved here from another state and my child was identified as gifted in a previous state.

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    Because the definition of giftedness varies from state to state and district to district, the school problem solving team will evaluate the past record of any student who has been identified as a gifted learner in another district. Placement decisions will be made on the basis of the identification process established by Blue Valley Schools.

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