• The Blue Valley School District receives numerous requests (from all over the world) to conduct research within our schools. As a district, we have the responsibility to protect the rights of our staff, students, and patrons and ensure that the research process does not interfere with the learning process for our students and staff. Policies and protocols have been established to aid individuals and organizations seeking permission to conduct research with our students and staff. These policies and protocols also apply to staff members who desire to do research within their classes/schools for professional, personal, and academic reasons (e.g. degree programs).


    If you would like to conduct research within the Blue Valley School District, please review the following policies and protocols (Request to Conduct Research in Blue Valley Schools). Within this document, you will find contact information and links to our online request forms (note: to activate the links, you must download the file). If you are a Blue Valley employee and the research is limited to one University-level assignment, please see the section of the document titled, "University Assignment Requests."

    Research requests are reviewed on a quarterly basis by Blue Valley’s Research Review Board. This board is comprised of district and building level administrators and educators familiar with the research process. The Review Board will evaluate each request through the lens of responsibility we have to protect the rights of our staff, students and patrons and ensure that the research process does not interfere with the learning process for our students and staff. 

    Meeting dates and when requests are due to be included on the agenda for that meeting are as follows:


    Meeting Date

    Request Due Date










    If a request is received after the due date for that quarter, it will be added to the agenda for the following meeting. For example, if a request is received on September 8, it will be included on the agenda for November 14.  As a result, responses can be delayed. Researchers can expect to hear a response within 10 business days after each quarterly review board meeting.


    Requests to conduct research while school is not in session during the summer, or at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year, must be submitted by April 23, 2024 to be included on the agenda for the May 7th meeting.